Paying out Affiliates in the best way

Paying out Affiliates in the best way
Paying out Affiliates is crucial for the success of any program or network. There are more often than we would think cases, where affiliates prefer certain methods or cash out intervals over ePC and service. Especially for Mediabuyers cashflow is crucial. Also we all have often Affiliates that dont have a bank account or the fees are incredible high. One of the experts that handles this challenge for companies is Michael Koral – the Co-Founder of Smartpay. A leading platform to receive and send out Crypto Payments. As we met not only him but also some of his teammembers, we can tell you these guys are real pros. Additionally Smartpay is not just a small startup. No its part of Wonderfi a stocklisted company! Affpal had the great pleasure to sit down with Michael for a new episode of “The Art of Affiliate Management”smartpay explains crypto payouts

Real Time Affiliate Payouts

One of the most important informations Michael of Smartpay provided was insights about realtime payout. In our opinion this feature is a very nice alternative to pre- or postpayment and is balancing the risk between Advertiser and Affiliate in a very nice way. Prepayment always has a very big risk for Advertisers. In many cases, for example if the traffic source is not that well known a deal will often not even happen because of that. Postpayment on the other hand puts the risk towards the the Affiliate. The groups are full with complains about not paying advertisers. Even if many of them are not justified, there are still too many cases where affiliates get tricked. A real time payout is limiting the risk. The Affiliate gets paid once the conversion happens! The Advertiser does not have to prefund anything. A true win! If you are interested in this solution contact us and we make the intro to Smartpay.

Publisher Payout Interview

Beside the real time publisher Payout. You find also other valueable informations in the video
  • Why Crypto Payouts make sense for partners 
  • Which partners often dont have bankaccounts or eWallets 
  • Which coins are mostly used
  • Easy setup of this publisher payout methods
  • Convince the boss: Arguments to integrate in your program
  • Cyber security concerns when you send money to your partners
  • Mainstream companies using that way of work
  • Making the life of Affiliate Managers easier
The interview ends with the usual golden nugget about whats the best advice in Business. Michael shares an interesting story that the best business is happening often outside of the conventions. He made one of the best biz connections in the spa after relaxing from a trade show. Chill and Business. Can it get any better? We hope you enjoy the video! watch affiliate marketing podcast
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