iGaming Case Study with Maxrev

iGaming Case Study with Maxrev
Case Studies are an amazing way to show the way of work of a company or consultant. Affpal had the great pleasure to start after Sigma Cyprus a cooperation with Maxrev.ai – a leading iGaming Affiliate Network. What is so special about Maxrev, is that they focus on influencers in the Betting, Casino and Lottery niche. For these partners, Maxrev is building tools that they can find nowhere else and offer a service and affiliate management that you don´t see in that quality often. What is also highly appreciated, that the leaders of Maxrev are not too shy to ask for advice to grow every day a bit better. Thats how Affpal came into play. We joined for a project to help them to scale an affiliate from 2000 € payout per month to 70000 € monthly. They were already on a great way, and just needed a bit of consultancy how to really make the final steps.how to increase publishers 

The Case Study about Affiliate scaling in details

After the project was running super successful Affpal had the pleasure to join the Game 23 by Eventus in Athens and present the Case Study in the name of Maxrev. A fantastic show that is from the elite in iGaming. The focus is here really on education and it was a great honor to be the only person covering affiliate management there. OK thats nearly always the case hahahaha. The speech about the case covered this topics:
  • Intro about Maxrev -AI powered Affiliate Network -iGaming vertical -Focus on Creators -Scaling of Affiliates as priority
  • Identifying the perfect Affiliate to scale
  • Mistakes of the Affiliate
  • Fixes with Smartlink and Funnel optimisation
  • Better routing using additional tools (name in Video)
  • Cashflow optimisation
  • 2. layer monetization
  • Best practice for Affiliate Managers
  • Best practice for Affiliate Programs
Download the slides of the Case Studies in Successful Affiliate Management

Summary of Maxrev and AM

Maxrev really puts an effort into lifting their partners to new level of payout. From the Service, tools and account funding over being so open to hire an Affiliate Management Consultant, they are really on point in their business. The conference had also for Affpal a special meaning as it was the launch of The book: “The Affiliate Management Starter Kit”watch affiliate marketing podcast
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