Does Affpal deserve to win the AWF Awards?
Is Stefan the best Affiliate Manager in the world and deserves to win the Affiliate World Forum Awards in his category? It’s a very subjective opinion and nobody of us on the list is working with the entire industry. We all have our verticals, partners, and Geos we are active. Everybody on the list is a true master of his trade and would deserve the award. What sets Affpal apart from the competition is the fact, that most probably nobody influenced the way Affiliate Managers and Programs work as much as Affpal in 2023. -Publishing of the Book “The Affiliate Management Starter Kit“-YouTube channel with more than 20 Video uploads about this topic in 2023-More than 20 keynotes, presentations, and panels to educate the industry-Training and consulting of Start-Up programs and veterans who wanna step up their game-Arranging new jobs for more than 20 Affiliate Managers over Affpal HR-And of course excellent Affiliate Management for the partners of Masters in Cash